How To Feel Abundant NOW

2023, The year of intensity.

This year I learned to surrender beyond what I’d surrendered before. The scariest thing I’ve had to do to date.

This year has forced all of us to make a choice… a choice between fear and love.

There have been moments where I’ve been in deep fear and resistance, creating suffering. And there have been many moments of love and surrender, creating peace and flow.

We have a choice, always. A choice about the way we wish to feel at any given moment.

Today, I was told I owe (more) money. An extra $2,800 on top of the $3,300 I owe for tax for the past financial year, plus an additional $700 for childcare fees. Currently, I don’t have much of an income. In fact, it’s lower than it has ever been. And being pregnant, I feel like I am between a rock and a hard place. Finding work would be limited as I am due to give birth in three months, and beyond that what I am currently earning will cease as I’ll be caring for a newborn come March.

Of course, I am supported by my love, who currently is not working as he finishes his yoga teacher training and sound healing and expands his service to the world as a teacher, bringing others home to themselves. Seriously, so proud! I am grateful for what we have and the abundance that truly surrounds us, and at the same time, it is incredibly easy to fall back into fear and scarcity.

The mind and our subconscious programming are powerful drivers. Of course, I was afraid. I spent half the day feeling defeated and crying, frustrated after doing so much inner and outer work and ending up with more debt. We are about to add a third child to the mix, and we may also need a bigger car.

So how, after doing so much inner work, did I end up with more debt? Cause and effect. The choices I made around money five months ago were driven by fear.


My power lies in choosing again.

Can I choose to witness my thoughts, fears, and programming, and choose again?

Can I forgive myself and be grateful for the lessons?

Can I choose to play in the realm of magic over logic (“logic” being limited by your mind’s conditioning… magic is the existence beyond the mind’s perceived limitations)?

Can I choose to surrender and trust?

Can I choose love AND joy AND peace?

Or will I let my conditioning take over, my mind take over, and cultivate more fear and scarcity, ultimately creating suffering once again??

The choice seems obvious, right? But like I said, not always easy.

We always have a choice about which energy we choose to embody in each moment, and whether we want to be victims of our circumstances or empowered from the inside out instead of waiting for money or connection to feel abundant and connected. Feel me?


Woah, mouth full. Maybe read that again.

I REFUSE to let financial debt be a dictator of my emotional state. That is not the mindset of an abundant person.

Do you want to feel abundant before you have money? Tune in babe because it’s fucking everywhere.

How do you create more love and abundance? NOT by focusing on your lack of it. What you focus on expands.

You’ll realise, with patience and practice, that you are NOT the person you see in the mirror, nor the mind of which has been conditioned by your past, culture, and upbringing. You are the awareness behind the body and mind, behind the thoughts and emotions… the Self (read Becoming Her, chapter 8 - Becoming Whole).

Meaning, you can separate your Self from yourself. You can separate your Self from your thoughts and emotions. You can allow them to come in, feel what you need to feel to allow the energy to move through you, and you can let them go. You can observe with a higher knowing that you are quite literally an extension of creation itself, a creator of your reality.

You have the power to cultivate any emotion you wish to feel just by tapping into its presence here and now.


Ask yourself, how would abundance feel?

1.      Feel that, breathe into that frequency, and allow it to penetrate every cell in your body.

2.      Notice where abundance is already present in your life, monetary or otherwise.

For example,
Breathing in fresh air = abundance
Eating nourishing food = abundance
Drinking clean water and feeling hydrated = abundance
Friendships and connection = abundance
Someone buying you a coffee = abundance
The car you drive or the fact you may not need one = abundance
The fact that you are absorbing this message… this is abundance.

Again, what you focus on expands. What you FEEL in your body you become an energetic match for. And… it’s a choice.

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like a choice, I totally get that as I spent most of my life in that space. So, I want to give you some practices to help you come back to your Self and your power in moments of fear, doubt, and scarcity.

1.      When you are completely stuck in the mind and it seems to be spiralling, stop for a moment to create some distance between your Self (your awareness) and your thoughts. Begin to pay closer attention to your body. What sensations do you feel? Tightness, heat, tension? Breathe into that and allow any emotional energy to make its way to the surface to be felt through. Be patient. Movement, such as dance or shaking, helps immensely when shifting emotional energy. I have extra practices and guidance in Becoming Her.

Feeling emotion helps you clear the mind and open the heart to the present moment and to the truth behind the emotion (which evidently makes you feel foggy, confused, and overwhelmed by negative thoughts). It’s my power move.

2.      Sometimes the statement of how you feel is enough to neutralise it. In the moments of fear, sadness, anger, etc, say to yourself or out loud, “I feel sad” or “I feel angry” or more accurately, “A part of me feels….”

(Again, read Becoming Her, chapter 8! Seriously, life-changing).

3.      Ground in nature barefoot. Visualise that emotional energy being drawn down into the earth by Mother herself and being transformed into new life, new purpose. Allow her to hold you. You are never not supported.

4.      Journal. Free write all that you’re feeling or thinking to give that upset part of you a voice to be truly heard. Then once you feel you've let that part have its say, validate it, and access the other part of you which is grateful for what you have in your life, the abundance and love that exists NOW. Finish with a thank you to the Universe. 

5.      If you notice that you’re still in the mind after these practices, become your own coach!

I’ve personally found it SO useful sometimes to go into the fear and face it head-on with no resistance. Talk to yourself. Ask yourself what you’re afraid of and then keep asking yourself, “Then what?” or “So what?” until you get to the root of the fear or realise it’s not worth being worried over. It’s helpful to journal through this too.

I was journalling through my own stuff, and I used “then what” to go from fear of no income at all to running out of money, to realising I am always supported, that both Matt and I are resourceful and can always find ways to create an income through work, creating, or serving others, from an aligned place. We always have options, and we are always safe. I allowed myself to go into the fear without resistance and neutralise it through the realisation we will always be ok, instead of allowing my unconscious mind to equate running out of money to death (which is ultimately what it does). Always safe, always supported, and resourceful AF – you are too.

6.      Choose to trust that this is always for a higher purpose. Did you learn an important lesson and can you be grateful for that lesson? (I sure did - eek). Think back to a time you were in a challenging situation and when you look back you realise it was all happening for a purpose. Can you lean back, surrender and trust that it’s all working out divinely in your favour now, even if you can’t see through the mud yet? Can you surrender to the unknown? Can you find some comfort in the uncertainty?

I get it, this was THE hardest thing for me this past year, but allowing myself to go there has created more peace than I have ever known. An inner peace I wish to carry into 2024.

I feel supported… not because I am financially supported, but because I chose to tap into the eternal support that is always present and focus on the ways I am supported by those I love in my life now.

I feel loved… not because I am loved (although I am), but because I cultivated love within and for myself and as a result called in people who amplify that love tenfold.

I feel abundant… not because I have an abundance of money, but because I chose to tap into the frequency of abundance that surrounds me and is me.

I feel at peace… because I choose to not be a fucking pushover to my external circumstances and instead stay in my damn power, from the inside out.

We have a choice every day, in every moment, to choose this frequency.

“It’s a practice
maybe one we will never master
but maybe the mastery
is the practice itself”

- quote from You Don’t Have Anxiety

So, practice with patience and integrity, my dear.

Your mind will be blown with the magic that follows. And even if it doesn’t right away… it won’t matter because you already feel how you want to feel. And maybe that’s the magic right there ✨

If you desire a deeper dive into this work, Becoming Her online is available for enrolment now. Includes 12 powerful pre-recorded videos, lifetime access, and life-changing practices to completely shift your 2024 and beyond ✨

Full details here >>

Tara Swann

Emotional Empowerment Coach & Author

Free From Fear


Everything Responds To Your Energy