As I was creating this art, I remembered how much joy and love I felt during the writing and creating process. I felt inspired again to write a few more pieces and release this to the world. I felt alive again! I felt like me again. It felt like home.
And so, with the little clarity I had to continue writing books at this point, with an only a half-operational brain thanks to pregnancy (seriously though, how mind-blowingly beautiful is the female body), I wanted to keep creating but I felt like I couldn’t pour into my next book. I felt confused.
I started asking the Universe for clarity on my next move, as well as clarity on calling in more money with more ease and bringing in abundance for our growing family and the property we desired. I wanted to know who I should be, how I should be, and what I should do to create art… as my body creates life. I wanted a sign.
I received an email from a coach that I’d previously joined a program with, saying that she’d accidentally missed a call that was supposed to be part of the program and that it was against their values as a company. And, to make up for it, she was gifting me (and whomever else had joined this program) one of her powerful online courses for free. I just had to reply and state what was present for me and what I wanted to learn more about. Long story short, I was GIFTED a money course, that would have been valued at around $2000.
This was gift #1.
Gift #2 came when I was still unsure of what creative project I wanted to pursue. I knew I wanted to create something because it made me feel ALIVE. PS. Did you know creativity serves your overall health, spiritual, mental, emotional, and even physical? (Maybe this is a topic for another blog post..?)
So, still unsure of what my next step was (apart from taking this additional online money program – thank you, Universe!), I was sitting in bed one night and I closed my eyes. I breathed into the stillness. Then, I demanded, with love, a clearer sign.
The following morning I was sitting on my balcony with my love, eating a nourishing breakfast, and we were having a beautiful conversation about alignment. All of a sudden, mid-conversation, I had a rush of energy, an intense sensation from my heart to the top of my head (my crown), and all I heard were the words, “Keep writing”.
It couldn’t have been clearer than that!! This was my sign.
I journaled on it and knew that at that point I wasn’t inspired to continue writing my next book (yet!! This will be coming when it feels true and good), so I allowed the next message to come through.
The word ‘blog’ flowed onto my journal page and I instantly felt excited. I knew that this was a way I could share life-changing messages, inspiration, guidance, love, health & vitality inspo, and empowering messages to people, when I felt inspired to, when they were screaming to be channeled through me, in my time around mum life and pregnancy energy ups and downs.
This way, I am honoring my feminine (feminine and masculine energies – another blog post right there), and I am doing what I love while serving others. THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE FOR IT!! I actually love you.
So, welcome! Welcome to the birth of this blog. Welcome to the introduction of Universal magic that is available to you, to everyone, once we begin to tune in and live in alignment.
This is what I’ll be delving into on this blog – expect self-love, fierce, fun, and fluid energy, ‘no-fucks but love-for-all’ energy, empowering channeled messages, igniting creativity and flow, alignment and how this is EVERYTHING. Expect random life stuff, navigating motherhood and parenting from someone who has well and truly fucked up at times (nope, you’re not alone), mental health and healing, self-acceptance, emotional empowerment, calling in your soulmate, stepping through the limitations of past conditioning. I’ll also share my writing rituals, how I overcome blocks, self-connection, inspiration, energetics, manifestation, and conscious creation. Oh gosh, I could go on and on. Let me just say this… EXPECT MIRACLES ✨
I am so excited to bring you everything I’ve learned that transformed my life, so you too have the tools to transform your own life, for FREE.
I feel a deep pull in my chest as I write this. This is going to be fucking magical.